Show a Little Love

Social distancing is strange. I haven’t seen my in-laws in two months, or most of our friends and kid’s friends. Some people are stuck at home with their families. Some people are just stuck at home by themselves. Some people are homebodies, and some people cannot stand being locked up inside. Some people crave social interaction, and some enjoy the quiet. But whatever type of person you are during this quarantine, it is most certainly strange.

I enjoy the family time, and that the pace is relatively slower. It’s a nice shift from our normal hectic lives.

But I miss people too.

Today is about those people we miss. About showing them love and encouraging those who might be feeling a little bit lonely.

My girls and I made bookmarks and gift tags yesterday. We had Mother’s day in mind, and I do still think they are a sweet mother’s day gift, but then I got to thinking that it would be nice to make these things for the people we love and miss.

Would you like to join us?!

Write a letter today (an actual letter, not en email), draw a picture or create something (like a lovely bookmark) for someone you love. Then:

  • Send them a picture of what you made or wrote…
  • And tell them why you were thinking of them today (what you miss about them, why you love them, why they are so special to you, etc)…
  • And then promise to give them your creation and soon as you are able.

It’s that easy and it’s so worth it!

Brighten someone’s day today. We all need a little sunshine in our lives right now!

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