A Frozen Birthday

Do your kids love Frozen? Do they prefer Frozen 1 or Frozen 2?

Frozen is the perfect theme for a winter birthday! It fits right in with winter decorations or even Christmas decorations if you have a December birthday to celebrate.

Here are a few of my favorite Frozen party ideas!


As the girls began to arrive we took a photo with the birthday girl in front of Elsa’s Ice Castle (made with a refrigerator box). Then each girl was given a snowflake frame ornament to make (to put their photo into later as a thank you).

When all the girls had arrived we made play snow with this super fun recipe! The girls had fun making snowmen and touching the cooold snow!

For supplies you will need:

  • Baking Soda
  • Shaving Cream
  • (Glitter optional)

Next the girls started making their own crowns! I bought a pack of these crowns from Oriental Trading Company.

For supplies you will need:

  • Glue sticks
  • Stickers
  • Cut outs
  • Jewels
  • Crowns

The princesses wore their crowns for the rest of the party!


Next we played some games!


The first game was pin the nose on Olaf! I hand drew Olaf and found a carrot printable online!


This game is always a hilarious favorite!


  • Two rolls of toilet paper per team
  • Scarf
  • Snow hat
  • Buttons (paper)
  • Carrot nose (paper)
  • tape (I already taped the nose and buttons to make it easier, but you can let them do it as well if they are older children).

The objective is to see who can make the best snowman in the least amount of time using all of the supplies that you provide! It is easiest with teams of three: 2 people to decorate your snowman, and 1 to be the snowman.

After making our snowmen we had to have a snowball fight with all that toilet paper snow!! LOL

They laughed so hard and so many girly screams for this one!

The last activity before dinner and cake was the….


I set out supplies of mini marshmallows for legs, candy corn noses, pretzel stick arms, mini chocolate chip buttons and normal marshmallows for the body!

The girls had fun creating their own little snowman!

After this last activity we sat down for dinner. After dinner the girls sang happy birthday and we had cake. Then it was time for presents. When everyone was super tired from the busy evening we turned on the movie while we waited for the Moms to arrive to get their kiddos again!

It was a special evening and our little Snow Queen was super pleased!

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