2020 has officially begun! A new decade. Emma from Friends has turned 18 and I am pretty sure we should be driving flying cars by now. But anyhow- time flies!

Our holidays were busy. . .as usual. I read something recently which made me giggle:

Adulting is just saying over and over “just waiting for this week to pass and then things should slow down” until you die.

Kinda true. It’s hard to slow down. After the cousins left to go back to Switzerland, and the official holidays were all over, we took a few days just to go for walks… visit new sites and cities, and just be together. Without much to do. It was a nice change of pace. Finally slowing down and just looking around us, enjoying family and nature and our Italian life.

We went to visit Molfetta one of the days. It is one of my favorites! We went for a walk through the old part of the city and ate lunch on the seaside before stopping at an outlet mall to watch a movie. No hurry, no schedule, just slowing down.

Did you have a chance to slow down over the holidays? When do your kids head back to school? We go back on the 7th of January. The 6th is a holiday here- La Befana.

I don’t know if I am ready to go back to school and normal routine yet, but I am thankful that we were able to take a few days to slow down and enjoy one another. Happy 2020!

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