Make a Little NOISE!!!

Keeping your kids busy during quarantine is a challenge, but let’s have some fun with it! Today we are going to put on a concert for Dad and Mom!

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth,
burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn— shout for joy before the Lord, the King.”

Psalm 98, The Holy Bible

Music brings joy into our homes! When we sing, listen to music or play an instrument we take our attention off the world around us and choose joy instead!

We are a musical family. In our family some of us sing, and others play instruments (like the cello, violin, guitar, piano and bass guitar). We like to play music together and it is likely that if you walk by our house any given day of the week, that you will hear someone playing a musical instrument!

Are you a musical family? If you aren’t, don’t worry! Music is still important and powerful. The Bible says, “Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands (Psalm 100:1).” It says to make a joyful NOISE! Not to make perfect music with your perfect voice! But just to be joyful! So, don’t worry if you are not talented musically, music is still for you!

Did you know that they have done studies that show that music helps children who are experiencing anxiety? Music is a release for tension and anxiety, it makes us want to dance, and yell and it also helps us to relax. Music influences our emotions, and allows us to vent our emotions as well.

And music is perfect for all ages!

Today I want to show you how to make a shaker! It is so easy, but your little ones will love this activity.

You will just need a few activities that you likely have laying around your house already:

  • Colorful wrapping paper
  • Glue
  • Scotch tape
  • Toilet paper or paper towel rolls
  • Rice (or dried beans, lentils, or small pasta)
  • Optional: Decorations, mini bells, ribbon

Begin by covering one end of your tube with scotch tape. Make sure that there are no holes in it. Add an adhesive on top of the tape if you have one for extra protection from rice kernels sneaking out of your tube.

Next, fill your tube with the material that you have chosen. If you are adding mini bells, make sure that you add the rice first, because the first layer of rice will stick to the tape at the bottom, then you can add more rice and your bells so that they can move around your tube freely.

Shut the other end of your tube with scotch tape and a label or large sticker.

Now it’s time to decorate your tube! We used wrapping paper, but you can use colored construction paper or printing paper if you prefer.

Tape the end of your paper to the tube and then begin rolling it DIAGONALLY across the paper. This will insure that the ends of your tube are covered as well.

When you are done rolling, tape the last edge of your paper to your tube or use a hot glue gun to secure the paper. Fold the ends over on themselves and secure them with a hot glue gun (or tape if you don’t have glue).

Now you can decorate your shaker!

Your instrument is ready now!!

Get out all of your instruments, toy, real, or pretend (pots and pans, wooden spoons, etc) and get set up for a mega concert!

You can organize your concert:

  1. Play a musical bass that everyone plays along to or keeps rhythm too.
  2. You can play a game where you play a rhythm, and then your child imitates it
  3. Tell them to play there instrument at certain intervals of the song
  4. Or let them go crazy and make their own music!

*A side note:

Music is a tool for all ages.

If your kids are older ask them to pick one of their favorite songs and lay or sit with them and listen to it and talk. Ask them what they like about it and how it makes them feel. Help them to choose music that makes them feel uplifted, joyful and peaceful. Suggest they write their own song. Or if they are musically gifted ask them to play or sing for you and then just sit and LISTEN. Dedicate time to music, but more importantly to them!

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