
Italian Life

15 Sep

Gravina in Puglia

Gravina has become one of our favorite places to visit. Gravina is in Puglia. It is similar to Matera, but much less touristic. . .so less crowds. It is equally beautiful, in my opinion. Ironically, as we were exploring the cliffs across from the city we noticed some antique “relics” that looked new and out […]


15 Aug

Tavole Palatine

We arrived to the temple just before sunset. Just in time to read the signs describing the history of the place, to take a few pictures and to look at the immense columns towering over us. Temples always create a sense of awe and wonder in me…. how did they do it? How did they […]


29 Jul

The Art of Showing Up

“True friendship isn’t about being there when it is convenient. It’s about being there when it’s not (Author Unknown).” The day of my son’s 6th birthday two of his friends called and cancelled. And one of his best friends just never showed up. When I called they said they had other plans and would not […]


21 Jul

Traveling with Kids

Traveling with kids is easier than it used to be in some senses, and much more complicated in others. Before there were not security checks to try and lug sleeping toddlers through, but there was also just one screen at the front of the plane most often playing very inappropriate movies for a toddler. I […]


4 Jul

Happy Fourth of July!

How do you celebrate the Fourth of July? Does your family have any traditions? What are your favorite snacks and treats for the big day? My kids have grown up in Italy, but I still like to do something small for the 4th of July each year. Here in Italy our festivities are obviously a […]


28 May

Ma Lei, Come fa?!

Non esiste un modo per essere una Mamma perfetta, ma ci sono un milione di modi per essere una mamma amorevole! Carli, Insieme Mamme È una domanda che ci chiediamo spesso quando vediamo qualcuno che fa qualcosa fuori dalla nostra portata o capacità. Mi ricordo che osservavo mamme con più figli che facevano il volontariato, […]


6 May

You Think it’s Hard Now?!

Have you ever had anyone say to you, “You think it’s hard now?! Just wait until….” When my kids were small we worked with a couple who had older kids. They were always making comments like, “Small kids, small problems. Big kids, big problems” or “You think you don’t sleep now?! Just wait until you […]


6 Mar

Uova a Temperatura Ambiente

La maggior parte dei prodotti da forno richiede uova a temperatura ambiente. Ma perché?! A temperatura ambiente, le uova e altri ingredienti per i dolci e prodotti di forno formano un’emulsione che intrappola l’aria. Durante la cottura in forno, quell’aria intrappolata si espande e produce un prodotto da forno soffice. Se le tue uova sono […]


5 Mar

How Does She Do it?!

…It’s a question we often ask ourselves when we see someone doing something beyond our own means or abilities. When I was a new mother, I remember observing mothers with more children than I, who still did volunteer work, served in their church, brought older kids to their afternoon activities on time, while simultaneously caring […]


24 Feb

Latticello: fatto in casa

Il latticello è un ingrediente segreto in molti deliziosi prodotti da forno e altre ricette! E mentre può essere facile per molti di voi trovare, per altri come me, non si trova il latticello nel vostro negozio di alimentari dietro l’angolo. In effetti, qui nell’Italia non vendono affatto il latticello! I primi anni che ho […]